Visit USA-Healthcare Insurance - FAQ

Who may purchase Visit USA-HealthCare Insurance?

Visit USA-HealthCare is designed for non-U.S. citizens traveling to the United States. The maximum coverage period is 364 days.

May I purchase Visit USA-HealthCare if I am already in the U.S.?

Yes. You may enroll in Visit USA-HealthCare regardless of how long you have been in the U.S. However, the maximum period of coverage is 364 days.

May I purchase Visit USA-HealthCare by telephone?

Yes! You can complete enrollment by calling +1 (866) INSUBUY. You may also enroll online with our Secure Online Enrollment Form, mail, email, or fax your completed Enrollment Form with payment.

I need coverage to begin as soon as possible. Can my Visit USA-HealthCare policy go into effect the day I enroll?

No. However, your policy can begin as early as the day after you submit your enrollment form and payment online.

How will proof of insurance be sent to me?

Your receipt and Confirmation of Insurance will be emailed to you once processed. If you enroll online, your receipt and Confirmation of Insurance will be sent to you instantly.

When I purchase with the online enrollment form, how will I know that you have accepted my purchase?

After enrolling you will see a page that begins with "Thank you for purchasing Visit USA-HealthCare Insurance." You will also receive an email receipt and a PDF Confirmation of Insurance to the email address you specified during enrollment.

May I renew my policy if I extend my stay in the U.S.?

The Visit USA-HealthCare plan cannot be renewed. However, you may purchase another policy if you find you need additional coverage. Simply re-enroll in Visit USA-HealthCare prior to the expiration date of the first policy. The "Requested Effective Date" should be one day after the first policy's expiration date.

If I need care will I have to pay up front for my medical expenses?

You may have to pay for medical care depending on the medical facility being used. If the medical facility requires payment up front, you then submit a claim for reimbursement, less your chosen deductible. While not a guarantee, payments for large expenses such as Emergency Medical Evacuations are typically coordinated and paid by the Insurance Company's Assistance Service.

What is a deductible? Is the deductible per incident or per policy?

The deductible is the amount that you, the Insured person, pay before the insurance pays for covered expenses. Visit USA-HealthCare's deductibles are per incident. Once the deductible is met, Visit USA-HealthCare will pay 90% of covered medical expenses up to $10,000, then 100% of reasonable and customary charges up to the plan limit. Visit USA-HealthCare offers a choice of deductibles: $0, $250, $500 or $1000. The lower the deductible, the higher the cost of insurance. In addition to the above choice of deductibles, there is also a $250 Emergency Room deductible which will be waived if admitted to the hospital.

*Not applicable to Visit USA HealthCare Budget, applicable only to Visit USA HealthCare Standard and Superior.

What is my out-of-pocket maximum for covered expenses?

The maximum an Insured would have to pay out-of-pocket for covered expenses is the chosen deductible ($0, $250, $500 or $1000) and 10% of the Reasonable and Customary charges for covered expenses up to $10,000, plus expenses that exceed the plan limit. *Co-insurance is waived if expenses are incurred within the PPO Network.

*Not applicable to Visit USA HealthCare Budget, applicable only to Visit USA HealthCare Standard and Superior.

May I go to any doctor or hospital if I need care?

Yes - you may go to any licensed health care provider. However, if you use a doctor or hospital in Visit USA-HealthCare's large preferred provider network, you will pay a lower deductible and co-insurance than if you go outside the network. *Click here to search for a provider within the United States.

*Not applicable to Visit USA HealthCare Budget, applicable only to Visit USA HealthCare Standard and Superior.

What is a beneficiary?

A Beneficiary is the person or persons who receives the Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) benefit* if the Insured dies in an accident while insured under the policy. The Insured will automatically be the Beneficiary for any insured spouse and children. Examples of beneficiaries include: your spouse, your children, your estate or your living trust.

*Not applicable to Visit USA HealthCare Budget, applicable only to Visit USA HealthCare Standard and Superior.

Does Visit USA-HealthCare cover pre-existing conditions?

No. A Pre-Existing Condition is defined by the policy as, "Any (1) condition for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment (includes receiving services and supplies, consultations, diagnostic tests or prescription medicines) was recommended or received during the 18 months immediately preceding the Certificate Effective Date; (2) condition that had manifested itself in such a manner that would have caused a reasonably prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment (includes receiving services and supplies, consultations, diagnostic tests or prescription medicines) within the 18 months immediately preceding the Certificate Effective Date; (3) injury, illness, sickness, disease, or other physical, medical, mental, or nervous conditions, disorder or ailment (whether known or unknown) that, with reasonable medical certainty, existed at the time of application or within the 18 months immediately preceding the Certificate Effective Date." See Visit USA-HealthCare's certificate wording for a complete list of exclusions.

However, it covers acute onset of pre-existing conditions up to some extent, which varies by age.

If I decide not to take my trip, may I cancel my insurance and receive a refund of premium?

A cancellation and refund will be considered if requested in writing prior to your effective date of coverage. Any refunds are subject to a $25 processing fee. Please mail, fax or email a refund request to us.

Will I receive a partial refund if I return home before my policy expires?

No. After the effective date of coverage, the Insurance Company considers the premium fully earned and non-refundable. This is noted in the Enrollment Agreement when you purchase online. Refunds are considered only before coverage starts (see previous question). You can find out how to request a refund and other tasks here.

After I submitted my Enrollment online, I realized I entered the wrong Effective Date. What should I do?

Send any corrections to us in writing by email, fax or mail and we will confirm the changes. When sending correspondence, please include a daytime phone number and reference your Online Order Transaction number.

Please see Corrections or Changes for more information.

Phone: +1 (866) INSUBUY
Fax: (972) 757-4470

Is it safe to purchase Visit USA-HealthCare Insurance online?

Yes. We work closely with our programmers to keep our forms on a highly secure ordering environment so you can enroll in our travel insurance plans with confidence. We use Secure Socket Layers (SSL), the industry standard in transferring information to process your orders. The SSL encrypts, or translates, your order information into a highly indecipherable code, which is processed immediately. When you are ready to enroll in one of our plans, you will move into the secure area of our site. A warning window may pop up to notify you that you are entering this "safe" area. Once you've entered, the beginning of the page address (URL) will change from "http" to "https", to let you know you are in a secure area. Also, a key or a closed padlock icon will appear in the lower right corner of most browsers to notify you of this change. You will remain in this secure zone for the entire purchase process.

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